I want to get to the bottom of things

About the inner existance of the motif and its concentration of the essential.

I want to get to the bottom of things to understand their inner world. Because of that I go the unobstrusive way, leading softly to the object. Leaving out unnecessary aspects you come closer to the object. With concentration on the essential you can give a direction and deeper thought to the things to let them come out of the ordinary. An attribute or element should only be included to the image if it fits to the motif and makes it look more vigorous.
Only what the motif can give to me I take in. If I'm fully concentrated unto the motif I can come to know its inner existance in such a manner that I understand its relation to its outer world. With that I am able to put it into the right light and find the right form to reach both heart and mind.

Enter gallery (5 photos)

View Jacques Moch, guitarrist at the Bottom gallery (Photo: Bodo P. Schmitz, www.zonesystem.de)

Jacques Moch, guitarrist (1)<EXT> (g)
(Photo: Bodo P. Schmitz, www.zonesystem.de)



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